Join to help improve living with OI!
OI (Osteogenesis Imperfect) is a genetic condition which affects the bones and soft tissue. People with OI have extremely fragile bones and are dealing with a lot of pain, fatigue and other symptoms.
Help us raise money to fund for OI research. It’s easy and fun to do! Celebrate your birthday and ask your friends for a donation, organise a running event or participate in one! With this website we offer you the tools to start fundraising for OI.
Sign up in a few simple steps and help to enable research for OI!
Help us to raise funds for OI Research!
View allStart your own activity now to raise funds for research into OI. We are happy to help with any questions you may have!
Start fundraisingTop fundraisers
1 €5,410
Steven Kroesbergen en Kyra Haakman
Road to Dakar for Brittle Bones -
2 €3,335
Lisette Puijk
Strijden voor hoop **** Fighting for hope -
Felicia von Huene
Sponsorlauf Gymnasium Tutzing 2019 -
4 €2,290
Dam tot Damloop for Care4BrittleBones -
5 €1,878
Foundation Care4BrittleBones
Stronger by working together
Top teams
1 €12,966
Celebrate & Support Research into OI
Support the unbreakable spirit! -
Online Gala
OI Community Online Gala -
3 €600
Regina & Jakobs Birthday
Geburtstag von Regina & Jakob -
4 €331
Chedda 4 C4BB
Rijden voor sterkere botten, support jij ons? #CPC4ALL -
OI-Fitness App
Energy4OI - Fitness App for adults with O.I.