OI-Fitness App

Energy4OI - Fitness App for adults with O.I.
von ingesamt 10.000 € (0%)

The Energy4OI project is a health and wellness initiative supported by the Care4BrittleBones Foundation with the goal of promoting physical activity among individuals with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). Our key strategy lies in the innovative use of technology, specifically a self-exercise app, as a platform for individuals with OI to exercise independently at home with routines that are carefully designed and recommended for people living with OI. Together with their Healthcare Providers people with OI van pick and choose the training packages that fit their needs and unique body type. 

To address this, we are looking to internationalise the Energy4OI Fitnessapp that has been successfully launched & tested in the Netherlands

The internationalisation and adaptation of this fitness app is a project with significant potential impact for individuals with OI. To make this a reality, we're launching a fundraising campaign. Your generous support will fund the development, testing, and implementation of the app, helping to bring exercise and its many benefits within reach of those living with OI globally.

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15 € 20-11-2023 | 10:02